About Investor Ratings

Investor Ratings is a founder-first guide to investors, made specifically to help you raise your next round.

Unlike previous review sites, reviewers can choose whether or not to be anonymous, but we ask that everyone give the reviews as if they were saying them to people’s faces. Overly negative or vague reviews will not make the site—we’ll accept constructive or concrete critiques only.

We’re also more so interested in positive reviews — we’re looking to elevate great investors doing great work, so do celebrate the people who’ve added a lot of value to you so other founders can find out who they should work with.

Let us know if you have any feedback: nancy@turpentine.co

The Process:

The way to see the reviews is to submit reviews.

If you are a founder, you can gain full access to our site by submitting at least two investor reviews HERE.

If you're an investor, you can gain access by submitting one review of an LP you've worked with
HERE. We'll use these responses to create another site specifically for LP reviews.

If you're an operator or employee, you can gain access by submitting one review of a company you've worked at
HERE. Or, you can submit one review of a service provider HERE or a SaaS tool HERE.

We'll reach out to the email you've submitted within 24 hours after submission to verify your response. After verification is complete, we'll email you access to our investor ratings site.